For more than 20 years, Fitness Genome founder & CEO, Chris Craig, has been an athletic achievement specialist. His background as an MAT Master Specialist, Z-Health Master Practitioner, Chek Practitioner, and fitness coach gives him an insider’s view of the most effective and efficient training modalities.

I’m Chris Craig, owner of Fitness Genome. In the spirit of a selfish desire to feel and look the best I possibly can, I curated the myriad of different technologies that make up Fitness Genome. This desire can also be referred to as biohacking.

After having experienced several sporting injuries that led to multiple surgeries in my twenties, my well-being declined for over a decade. A back surgery at forty led me to conclude that my approach and philosophy to health was not working, and led me to consider “alternatives” to conventional thinking.

The alternative route has been primarily trusting my own body’s ability to heal and function more optimally when given the proper inputs. And most of the inputs can be found in Nature and technologies that condense what Nature provides.

The net result at this point is that I feel the best I can remember feeling at any point thus far. I enjoy sharing this with others and seeing each person that entrusts some aspect of their well being to Fitness Genome also reach a point where an injury, recovery or level of optimization reaches a newfound zenith.